female patient in hospiceWhen a person’s life expectancy has been limited by disease, hospice is a highly specialized type of medical treatment and end-of-life care. Hospice may become necessary to improve your loved one’s quality of life before death, as well as provide your family peace of mind.

At Avon Health Center, our goal is to keep every hospice patient comfortable in a nurturing and secure environment. Although hospice can be a scary thought for families, it may be the best option for your loved one.

Here are a few ways to determine whether it’s time to start planning for hospice care.

1. Loss of Independence

When an illness, disease or old age starts to affect someone’s mobility and mental clarity, they may start to lose the ability to perform everyday tasks like eating, walking, dressing and maintaining good hygiene.

When this loss of independence becomes too much for a family member of caregiver to manage, it may be time to consider the specialized type of care hospice provides.

At Avon Health Center, we provide the equipment, medical supplies and compassionate care to ensure your loved one is comfortable and well-tended to in their time of need. We work to provide a sense of dignity for each and every patient.

2. Frequent Doctor Visits

Declining health or a serious illness may lead to frequent doctor or hospital visits. If this has become the case for your loved one, hospice care might be the safest environment for them to live out their final days. Having medical personnel and equipment on-site can help ensure they are treated most effectively.

Our hospice physicians and nurse practitioners help patients who suffer from terminal illnesses, deteriorating health and related conditions. Services include nursing care, pain relief and short-term respite care for caregivers.

3. Overwhelmed Caretakers

When you’re taking care of a loved one approaching their final days, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. You might spend most of your day supporting them, but who is supporting you? Hospice care can provide emotional assistance for you and your loved one through the difficult end-of-life process. This may include therapy, support groups or providing effective strategies for making tough decisions.

At Avon Health Center, we partner with several area hospice providers trained in spiritual and emotional support to offer across-the-board care. We aim to provide everything we can to help make this challenging process a little easier.
Your loved one’s final days should be of the best possible quality. We provide our patients a sense of dignity through our comprehensive care. To learn more about Hospice Services at Avon Health Center, contact us today.