Warm-Weather Activities for Seniors

The warmth of spring invites many people to spend time outdoors. Particularly for seniors, they can get a much-needed dose of vitamin D to improve mood, cognitive functioning, bone and muscle health. Heading outside also presents an opportunity to get your body moving and socialize with others.

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5 Ways Older Adults Can Remain Socially Connected

Socializing helps us feel involved and build connections that keep us engaged with friends, family and the world. Unfortunately, a visible number of seniors describe themselves as “lonely” or “socially isolated”.

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Why Do We Encourage Resident Independence?

At Avon Health Center, part of our mission statement is to help individuals feel comfortable and safe while maintaining their independence within our facility. Many of our patients are rehabilitating from injuries that resolve within weeks to months, but even long-term residents suffering from memory loss or another age-related condition are encouraged to be independent…

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The Importance of Therapeutic Recreation

At Avon Health Center, we encourage patients and residents to participate in therapeutic recreation activities. Our Recreation Department and devoted community volunteers work hard to offer a variety of new and enjoyable events each month. We believe in keeping patients and residents engaged and improving their quality of life, as many diseases can negatively impact…

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