senior woman doing water aerobicsThe warmth of spring invites many people to spend time outdoors. Particularly for seniors, they can get a much-needed dose of vitamin D to improve mood, cognitive functioning, bone and muscle health. Heading outside also presents an opportunity to get your body moving and socialize with others.

Yet high temperatures can contribute to fatigue, overheating, dehydration and sunburn. It’s important to apply sunscreen and cover your skin to avoid these symptoms of exposure. Learn how seniors can stay active in warmer weather.

Attend an Event

Whether it’s a minor league or professional game, or a family member participates in a youth league, cheering on a sports team can give seniors a sense of community.

You can also look for local fireworks displays, musical performances or events centered around a favorite hobby like crafting or classic cars.

Go to the Pool

Both indoor and outdoor pools are ideal for seniors to stay active once spring arrives. Based on your physical health, do some laps or exercises in the shallow end. Taking a water aerobics class can also get your body moving, without placing too much stress on the joints.

Take a Walk

Walking is one of the most beneficial activities, due to its low impact. Take a 30-minute daily stroll around your neighborhood or join a local walking group to explore new locations.

Yet be mindful of the outdoor temperature and strength of the sun. To reduce sunburn and dehydration risks, walk in the morning before the sun reaches its high point or later in the day before it sets.

Engage In a Hobby

For older adults, bird watching is a relaxing yet mentally stimulating outdoor activity that can be done from your own backyard or with a group at a local park. Gardening is another popular low-impact activity. You can tend to your own garden or volunteer to help maintain a community plot.

Dine Out or Plan a Picnic

To get away for a few hours, many people have a favorite restaurant or picnic spot. Whether dining al fresco at a restaurant or a scenic area, make sure to have comfortable seating and limit sun exposure.

Try an Exercise Class

Sign up for a low-impact exercise class for seniors to get moving, socialize and maintain your cognitive health. Options include chair yoga, water aerobics, strength training and dance.

Head to the Beach

Plan a stroll along the shore or do a relaxing activity with friends, like collecting seashells or fishing. If you have the mobility, consider dipping your toes in the waves or going for a swim, but make sure there is someone else with you.
Are you exploring ways to remain active this spring? Check out Avon Health Center’s monthly schedule of therapeutic activities today.