Can Seniors Donate Blood?

March is National Red Cross Month, an observance started after WWII by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Red Cross was founded by nurse Clara Barton in 1881 with a mission to “prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies.” Every eight minutes, the Red Cross responds to someone in need, an effort made…

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February Is American Heart Month

Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States? For both men and women, one in four deaths is the result of heart disease. During the month of February, we observe American Heart Month, an initiative to raise awareness of heart disease and encourage prevention. What can seniors do…

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Signs a Senior Needs Help with Finances

As our loved ones age, they can experience memory lapses and make little mistakes that are unlike them. From mismanaging medication schedules to forgetting to lock the front door, it is important for the family and friends of these seniors to help – especially when it comes to money management. If left ignored, financial mistakes…

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The Effects of Boredom on Seniors

Many of us have experienced boredom in our lives, whether friends are away on vacation or we forget to bring a book to the beach. We have gotten through these dull moments and moved on but for some – like senior citizens – it can seem like there is no escape from the monotony of…

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