Signs a Senior Needs Help with Finances

As our loved ones age, they can experience memory lapses and make little mistakes that are unlike them. From mismanaging medication schedules to forgetting to lock the front door, it is important for the family and friends of these seniors to help – especially when it comes to money management. If left ignored, financial mistakes…

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Host a Successful Holiday with Seniors

The holiday season can be a difficult few months for seniors. Many aging individuals have lost loved ones and friends, or feel isolated when no one visits this time of year. The older generation plays an important role in the structure of a family. They should feel loved and appreciated around the holidays. We offer…

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Helpful Smartphone Apps for Seniors

With more seniors immersed in the world of technology, it is easy for them to get overwhelmed by the possibilities at their fingertips. If your aging loved one has a smartphone or tablet, what kinds of senior-specific applications are most beneficial to use? News & Events When you are retired and possibly living on your…

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Flu Prevention for Seniors

The time of year for flu shots is here again! Every pharmacy and doctor’s office will be promoting the vaccination to prevent the spread of flu symptoms in schools, at the office and yes – in senior living facilities too. The flu is highly contagious and, if someone in a nursing home has the virus,…

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